Columbia University in the City of New York
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Mind. Brain. Behavior.
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Our People
From early career researchers to Nobel Prize-winning faculty, from administrative staff to resident artists and scholars, we are building a community of experts.
Meet Our Team
Principal Investigators
Scientific Platform Directors
Columbia Center for Community Health
Artists & Scholars in Residence
Early Career Researchers
Administrative Team
Principal Investigators
Our interdisciplinary faculty, which includes neuroscientists, psychologists, theorists and engineers, advances transformative science.
Larry F. Abbott, PhD
Ishmail Abdus-Saboor, PhD
Genevera I. Allen, PhD
Dmitriy Aronov, PhD
Richard Axel, MD
Rudy Behnia, PhD
Andrés Bendesky, MD, PhD
Gwyneth Card, PhD
Mark M. Churchland, PhD
Rui Costa, DVM, PhD
John P. Cunningham, PhD
Aniruddha Das, PhD
Jane Dodd, PhD
Lea Duncker, PhD
Yasmine El-Shamayleh, PhD
Vincent P. Ferrera, PhD
Anthony W.P. Fitzpatrick, PhD
Stefano Fusi, PhD
Vikram Gadagkar, PhD
Joseph A. Gogos, MD, PhD
Michael E. Goldberg, MD
Jacqueline Gottlieb, PhD
Wesley B. Grueber, PhD
Elizabeth Hillman, PhD
Barry Honig, PhD
Elias B. Issa, PhD
Itamar Kahn, PhD
Minoree Kohwi, PhD
Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, PhD
Ashok Litwin-Kumar, PhD
Stavros Lomvardas, PhD
Attila Losonczy, MD, PhD
Tom Maniatis, PhD
Richard S. Mann, PhD
Bianca Jones Marlin, PhD
Carol A. Mason, PhD
Nima Mesgarani, PhD
Kenneth D. Miller, PhD
Liam Paninski, PhD
Darcy S. Peterka, PhD
Franck Polleux, PhD
Ning Qian, PhD
Daniel Salzman, MD, PhD
Nathaniel Sawtell, PhD
Michael N. Shadlen, MD, PhD
Lawrence S. Shapiro, PhD
Daphna Shohamy, PhD
Steven A. Siegelbaum, PhD
Gary Struhl, PhD
Andrew Tomlinson, PhD
John Thomas Vaughan, PhD
Daniel M. Wolpert, PhD
Sarah M.N. Woolley, PhD
Charles S. Zuker, PhD
Scientific Platform Directors
The team leaders of our Scientific Platforms develop tools and services that help drive discovery.
Susan Brenner-Morton
David Ng, PhD
Darcy S. Peterka, PhD
Tanya Tabachnik
Raphael Thomas Gerraty, PhD
Columbia Center for Community Health
The Columbia Center for Community Health on the ground floor of the Jerome L. Greene Science Center provides health resources to serve area residents.
Olajide Williams, MD
Our partnership with nonprofit BioBus supports programs in our Education Lab and schools throughout New York.
Benjamin J. Dubin-Thaler, PhD
Latasha P. Wright, PhD
Christine Marizzi, PhD
Artists & Scholars in Residence
We invite artists, musicians and scholars to spark curiosity and creatvity in our community.
Alan Kanzer Writer-in-Residence Hernan Diaz
Alan Kanzer Artist-in-Residence Shahzia Sikander
Jazz Artist-in-Residence Anat Cohen
Early-career Researchers
The future of neuroscience begins here.
We collaborate with institutes and researchers across Columbia, including:
Affiliate Faculty Program
Center for Theoretical Neuroscience
Columbia Translational Neuroscience Initiative
Data Science Institute
Grossman Center for Statistics of Mind
The Kavli Institute for Brain Science
Motor Neuron Center
NeuroTechnology Center
Precision Medicine at Columbia University
Presidential Scholars in Society and Neurocience
Columbia MR Research Center
Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain
Our Administrative Team
Providing essential support to all members of the Institute
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Zuckerman Institute Affiliate Members
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