At Columbia's Zuckerman Institute, scientists across disciplines and at all career stages are immersed in an environment meant to drive curiosity, build collaborations and spark transformative discoveries.
Scientists beginning their careers develop the skills and confidence to succeed.
Driving early career success through the Postdoc Program
Supporting students pursuing higher degrees in science
Exploring research side by side with scientists
Events and programs bring researchers together to share new ideas, perspectives and discoveries.
Sparking the conversations that drive science forward.
Sharing personal stories about becoming and being a scientist
Promoting scientific exchange and inquiry among early-career neuroscientists
Celebrating the brightest ideas in neuroscience
Artists, writers, musicians and scholars join our community and spark creative insights.
Fostering creative pursuit in neuroscience and the arts
At the intersection of music and the mind
An exploration of science through narrative and storytelling
Supporting creative, self-directed research through collaborations and mentorships
Bringing a wide perspective of inquiry and nurturing new insights across Columbia campuses
The Zuckerman Institute strives to create a culture that celebrates diversity, collaboration and our people in an effort to pursue our collective goal of transformative science. As part of this pursuit, ZI encourages its employees, students, and collaborators to create and join clubs, groups, boards, and committees that aim to draw people together around common interests to so that they can share ideas, participate in discussions and/or to enact change within and outside of the Institute and outside of it. To support established clubs, ZI offers administrative resources and financial support. Some of our active groups and clubs include: Zuckerman Trainee Advisory Committee, Visual Computational Neuroscience Journal Club, Zuckerman Motor Club, ZI Gender Inclusion (ZIGI) Group, ZI Board Game Club, ZI Athletics Club (ZIAC), Fly Neuro Meet, Hippocampus Club, Black People Space.