At Columbia's Zuckerman Institute, we are conducting pioneering research into critical aspects of the brain — how it develops, performs, endures and recovers — gaining insights that promise to benefit people and societies everywhere.
Can math explain the brain?
How do you make a choice?
What are the causes of sickness?
What makes your brain special?
How does your brain mature?
How do you store and recall information?
How do you control your body?
How do you perceive your surroundings?
How does innovation push the boundaries of knowledge?
Our Scientific Platform teams develop the tools and services that help drive discovery throughout Columbia University and the broader scientific community. Working hand-in-hand with scientists, our experts push the limits of cellular imaging and magnetic resonance; create state-of-the-art molecular tools to reveal the workings of the nervous system; design and build one-of-a-kind devices to advance research; and host leading-edge computing resources that store and process vast amounts of research data.
Inventing one-of-a-kind tools that spur new scientific experiments
Developing new imaging technologies to illuminate the secret lives of cells
Game-changing tools for investigating brain cell activity
Deciphering the brain, one cell at a time
Visualizing brain structure and neural activity
Providing robust computation and data storage solutions for labs
Building molecular tools to map and explore the nervous system
Our Scientific Programs serve to foster a vibrant culture of scientific inquiry. Our growing suite of programs — from seminars and symposia to workshops and journal clubs — are targeted to Institute faculty and trainees, as well as to the broader Columbia and scientific communities. These programs reflect the conviction that a fertile intellectual environment nurtures the creative collaborations and transformational discoveries to advance science and medicine.
Bringing a wide perspective of inquiry and nurturing new insights across Columbia campuses
Sharing personal stories about becoming and being a scientist
Promoting scientific exchange and inquiry among early-career neuroscientists
Columbia’s Zuckerman Institute sponsors a wide range of talented individuals for a period of engagement, inspiration and discovery. Our resident artists and writers foster connections between the arts and the sciences, through meetings, performances, collaborations and workshops with students, scientists and our neighboring community. These programs provide unique forums for new voices that enhance our exploration of the mind, the brain and human behavior.
Fostering creative pursuit in neuroscience and the arts
At the intersection of music and the mind
An exploration of science through narrative and storytelling
Seed the discoveries that make a difference.