Columbia University in the City of New York


Building molecular tools to map and explore the nervous system

A portion of the brainstem called the lateral vestibular nucleus — an area of the brain involved in balance and movement. The green neurons are infected with the newly developed rabies virus. These neurons may have an important role in motor control (Credit: Andrew Murray/Columbia's Zuckerman Institute).

New molecular tools that insert genetic material into brain cells in the laboratory have become an essential technology of modern neuroscience.

They allow researchers to map entire nervous systems and investigate the molecules responsible for everything from how the brain makes a decision to how the body moves. The Institute’s Virology team has extensive experience in the routine production of state-of-the-art molecular tools. These tools can reveal details critical for understanding how nerve cells function in health and sickness. Our staff works with research laboratories at Columbia University, other academic institutions and scientific corporations to design and construct new viral vectors. We offer a wide range of competitively priced products, same day pickup for labs in New York and consultation services for advanced study design.