Columbia University in the City of New York


3D reconstruction of a single CA1 pyramidal neuron in the mouse brain. The dendritic arbor is in red and each yellow dot is a mapped excitatory synapse received by this neuron. Each CA1 pyramidal neuron in the mouse receives between 10,000 to 15,000 excitatory synapses. (Credit: Daniel Iascone | Polleux lab).

News from about

Growth & Development September 25, 2024

Protein Droplets Help Organize Fly Brain Cell Development

A Q&A with brain development and fruit fly expert Minoree Kohwi

Learning & Memory March 16, 2023

Why Do We Tell Stories?

A Conversation Between an Author and a Neuroscientist

Growth & Development November 8, 2022

Mental Landscapes: Seeing in 3D

Study of albino mice illuminates how the neural circuitry of vision is established and how it can go wrong

Growth & Development September 26, 2022

Mental Landscapes: The Neural Cartography of Smell

The experience of every odor derives from precise brain circuitry that researchers now are revealing in unprecedented detail

Tools & Technology August 1, 2022

This One-Time Tennis Pro Switches Brain Cells On and Off

Meet Graduate Student Amir Lawen, Neurobiology and Behavior Program

This Musician Looks at Vision Using Flies

Meet Graduate Student Sharon Su, Neurobiology and Behavior Program

Mental Landscapes: Shaping a Fly

A new look at nerve cells linked to complicated movements that require many steps.

Growth & Development March 10, 2022

Meet Alexis Kim

How do neuroscience research and a family legacy intersect for a research technician? Meet Alexis Kim, research technician in the Marlin Lab.

Growth & Development September 27, 2021

Scientists Closer to Understanding How Diverse Neurons are Made

A Q&A with neuroscientists and fruit fly experts Minoree Kohwi and Tanguy Lucas

Growth & Development August 11, 2021

Scientists Identify Specific Gene Tied to Growth and Health of Brain Cells in Flies and Mice

Wnk gene offers new insights into how axons elaborate and maintain their complex morphology, with implications for neural degeneration and repair

Zuckerman Institute In the News

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