Columbia University in the City of New York


3D reconstruction of a single CA1 pyramidal neuron in the mouse brain. The dendritic arbor is in red and each yellow dot is a mapped excitatory synapse received by this neuron. Each CA1 pyramidal neuron in the mouse receives between 10,000 to 15,000 excitatory synapses. (Credit: Daniel Iascone | Polleux lab).

News from about

Tools & Technology December 12, 2023

This Synchronized Swimmer Moves to Learn

Meet Graduate Student Jasmine Stone, Neurobiology and Behavior Program

Tools & Technology December 8, 2023

This Artist Investigates Aggression with Fish

Meet Graduate Student Claire Everett, Neurobiology and Behavior Program

Tools & Technology November 13, 2023

Zuckerman Scientists Merge Art and AI in Venice

Zenna Tavares meshes interactive storytelling and artificial intelligence at the Venice Biennale

Tools & Technology September 26, 2023

Columbia Microscopy Innovators Aim to Reveal Brain’s Vast Wiring Diagram

Researchers join massive new BRAIN CONNECTS consortium within National Institutes of Health’s BRAIN Initiative

Tools & Technology July 18, 2023

This Vegetarian Builds Brainy Tools

Meet Graduate Student Elizabeth Brewer, Neurobiology and Behavior Program

Tools & Technology June 20, 2023

Cuttlefish Brain Atlas First of Its Kind

The dwarf cuttlefish, with skin that changes color based on what it sees and feels, could help neuroscientists ask and answer new questions

Tools & Technology December 8, 2022

Dr. Elizabeth Hillman named a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors

Academy honors Dr. Hillman’s track record of creating and building powerful new imaging methods that open new windows on biology

Tools & Technology July 18, 2022

This Soccer Fan Explores How Skills Transfer

Meet Graduate Student Elom Amematsro, Neurobiology and Behavior Program

Tools & Technology July 11, 2022

This Former Journalist Unravels DNA

Meet Graduate Student Albana Kodra, Neurobiology and Behavior Program

Zuckerman Institute In the News

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