Columbia University in the City of New York


3D reconstruction of a single CA1 pyramidal neuron in the mouse brain. The dendritic arbor is in red and each yellow dot is a mapped excitatory synapse received by this neuron. Each CA1 pyramidal neuron in the mouse receives between 10,000 to 15,000 excitatory synapses. (Credit: Daniel Iascone | Polleux lab).

News from about

Learning & Memory December 18, 2024

New Peek at Connections Between Neurons Shines Light Into Memory Formation

Scientists for the first time see, in mice, the precise way in which connections between neurons change during memory formation

Learning & Memory October 15, 2024

Fearful Memories of Others Seen in Mouse Brain

Temporarily silencing brain regions helped scientists pinpoint where different types of memories originate

Learning & Memory July 23, 2024

Zuckerman Institute Memory Expert Named an HHMI Investigator

Dr. Dmitriy Aronov’s discoveries about chickadees may help solve mysteries about the inner workings of memory

Learning & Memory March 29, 2024

Barcode-like Neural Activity Found in Chickadees

Scientists find new patterns of electrical activity that may help the brain record and recall memories, not just in birds, but humans too

Computation February 20, 2024

Can A Single Brain Region Encode Familiarity and Recollection?

A new study with mice reveals how the brain can identify familiar individuals and recall past experiences with them; findings could shed light on disorders affecting memory

Learning & Memory January 22, 2024

This Pianist Learns with Songbirds

Meet Graduate Student Jonathan Kasdin, Neurobiology and Behavior Program

Learning & Memory December 13, 2023

New study sheds light on how the brain learns to seek reward

Rewards don’t just reinforce a specific action—they quickly change the whole pattern of how we behave

Learning & Memory September 27, 2023

How an Audience Changes a Songbird’s Brain

As a zebra finch becomes single-minded about impressing a possible mate, dopamine-releasing brain cells reflect his intentions

Learning & Memory July 10, 2023

This Dancer Explores Parenthood's Effects on the Brain

Meet Graduate Student Briana McRae, Neurobiology and Behavior Program

Learning & Memory March 16, 2023

Why Do We Tell Stories?

A Conversation Between an Author and a Neuroscientist

Zuckerman Institute In the News

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