New Peek at Connections Between Neurons Shines Light Into Memory Formation
Scientists for the first time see, in mice, the precise way in which connections between neurons change during memory formation
Scientists for the first time see, in mice, the precise way in which connections between neurons change during memory formation
Temporarily silencing brain regions helped scientists pinpoint where different types of memories originate
Dr. Dmitriy Aronov’s discoveries about chickadees may help solve mysteries about the inner workings of memory
Scientists find new patterns of electrical activity that may help the brain record and recall memories, not just in birds, but humans too
A new study with mice reveals how the brain can identify familiar individuals and recall past experiences with them; findings could shed light on disorders affecting memory
Meet Graduate Student Jonathan Kasdin, Neurobiology and Behavior Program
Rewards don’t just reinforce a specific action—they quickly change the whole pattern of how we behave
As a zebra finch becomes single-minded about impressing a possible mate, dopamine-releasing brain cells reflect his intentions
Meet Graduate Student Briana McRae, Neurobiology and Behavior Program
A Conversation Between an Author and a Neuroscientist