Columbia University in the City of New York


3D reconstruction of a single CA1 pyramidal neuron in the mouse brain. The dendritic arbor is in red and each yellow dot is a mapped excitatory synapse received by this neuron. Each CA1 pyramidal neuron in the mouse receives between 10,000 to 15,000 excitatory synapses. (Credit: Daniel Iascone | Polleux lab).

News from about

Computation March 22, 2016

Teasing Signals from the Brain

Statistician John Cunningham examines how the complex communication between motor neurons gives rise to the elegant simplicity of our movements.

Tools & Technology March 15, 2016

Building the Tools to Reveal the Invisible

How a ‘hack’ to a high-powered microscope — and an innovative statistical technique — stands to change what we see when we peer inside the brain.

Learning & Memory March 10, 2016

Newborn Brain Cells Required for Memory

Columbia neuroscientists have described the activity of newly generated brain cells in awake mice and revealed the critical role these cells play in forming memories.

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