3D reconstruction of a single CA1 pyramidal neuron in the mouse brain. The dendritic arbor is in red and each yellow dot is a mapped excitatory synapse received by this neuron. Each CA1 pyramidal neuron in the mouse receives between 10,000 to 15,000 excitatory synapses. (Credit: Daniel Iascone | Polleux lab).

The Future in Mind

At Columbia’s Zuckerman Institute, we believe that understanding how the brain works — and gives rise to mind and behavior — is the most urgent and exciting challenge of our time. Led by Daphna Shohamy, PhD, and Nobel laureate Richard Axel, MD, we study critical aspects of the mind and brain, gaining insights that promise to benefit people and societies everywhere.

Our Science: We explore how the brain develops, performs, endures and recovers.


Meet Lea Duncker

This theorist is uncovering the computational superpowers that give brains their incredible abilities.

Scientific Platforms: The tools, facilities and people that make our research possible.

Curiosity Corner

A place for students, teachers and parents to discover the questions that real scientists are asking about the brain!


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The Science Life

An illustrated series exploring the lived experiences of people at a brain science institute.

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Our Mission

At Columbia's Zuckerman Institute, our mission is to decipher the brain. From effective treatments for disorders like Alzheimer’s and autism to advances in fields as fundamental as economics, the arts and law, the potential for humanity is staggering.

Jerome L. Greene Science Center (Credit: Frank Oudeman/Columbia University).


Cracking the Brain’s Code

Professor Stefano Fusi, PhD, wants to design technology inspired by the human brain. As a step toward this goal, he is using math to better understand how the brain itself computes information, especially as related to problem solving, reasoning and decision-making. Dr. Fusi’s work could lead to technological advances that have thus far remained beyond our reach.