Columbia University in the City of New York

May 14, 202410:30 am

Local Circuits - Nikhil Sharma

Image of Cell AbdusSaboor Lab

May 14th, 10:30 am – 11:30 am at the Jerome L. Greene Science Center (Kavli Auditorium, 9th floor Lecture Hall)

Nihkil Sharma, PhD

Assistant Professor of Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Columbia University


Central roles for the peripheral nervous system


Peripheral neurons are vital to the body's ability to sense and respond to naturally occurring stimuli.  We study how peripheral neurons develop, function, and relay signals from organs to the brain


Host(s): Carol Mason (Faculty) 

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.


This event will be in-person only and will not offer a Zoom option.
Open only to Columbia University and Columbia University Affiliates.
Speaker Location: Jerome L. Greene Science Center, 9th Floor Lecture Hall


Tuesdays@10 is a signature Zuckerman Institute initiative that aims to expose researchers at all levels to high-quality science and stimulate scientific discourse. The speakers featured in this series represent various fields and techniques in neuroscience, and are either external to Columbia (Columbia Neuroscience Seminars and Special Seminars) or are Columbia faculty members (Local Circuits) invited through a combined, collaborative effort of one or more of the following: Columbia's Zuckerman Institute, the Department of Neuroscience, the Doctoral Program in Neurobiology and Behavior and the Columbia Translational Neuroscience Initiative, and with support from the Kavli Institute for Brain Science


More information and a full schedule can be found here.


Venue: the Jerome L. Greene Science Center (Kavli Auditorium, 9th floor Lecture Hall)
3227 Broadway, New York, NY, 10027

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