Title: "Investing in Healthy Minds: An Economic Case for Mental Health Programs and Suicide Prevention in College Populations" Speaker: Dr. Daniel Eisenberg is a Professor of Health Management and Policy in the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan, where he is also affiliated with the Population Studies Center and the Comprehensive Depression Center.
His training is in economics (PhD, Stanford University) and mental health services research (NIMH Postdoctoral Traineeship, UC-Berkeley). His broad research goal is to improve the understanding of how to invest effectively in the mental health of young people, particularly college students. He directs the Healthy Minds Network (HMN) for Research on Adolescent and Young Adult Mental Health (www.healthymindsnetwork.org). HMN's projects include the Healthy Minds Survey, as well as technology and media-based interventions.
This lecture will be held in the Herbert Pardes Building, Hellman Auditorium, Room 1601.